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About us


"horizonte" is the university chaplaincy of the Lucerne campus and a contact point for students of the University of Lucerne, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the Lucerne University of Teacher Education. horizonte is run by the Jesuits Valerio Ciriello SJ and Wilfried Dettling SJ and the Lutheran pastor Lorenzo Scornaienchi. The university chaplaincy is supported by the Catholic and the Reformed Churches of Lucerne. The University, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the Lucerne University of Teacher Education as well as the Catholic parish of the city of Lucerne also contribute to the annual costs.


In addition to the pastoral care services, such as counseling sessions, spiritual guidance or church services for young adults, the university chaplaincy also offers a variety of other events. These include social, spiritual and cultural events. The goal of the events is to broaden the horizons of students and to show them new perspectives.


The university chaplaincy offers interested persons the opportunity to approach the pressing issues of our time; in lectures, at film evenings, or discussion groups. Time and space are also available for regular celebration, reflection, sharing or silence. All these initiatives are under the name horizonte.


In addition to the university chaplains, student employees also work for horizonte. They help to conceive and realize projects and in this way contribute to a diverse program. Students at the University of Lucerne also have the opportunity to earn social credit points at horizonte by participating in individual projects.


Another part of the university chaplaincy is "Leo 15", the student meeting place at Sankt- Leodegar-Strasse 15. The house is used by the university chaplaincy itself as well as rented out to student associations free of charge.